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Wilton Benitez - Pink Bourbon

Wilton Benitez - Pink Bourbon

Regular price $7.00 USD
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MEET THE PRODUCER | Wilton Benitez has over twenty-six years of experience as a coffee producer, the majority of which have been spent focusing solely on specialty coffee. However, "coffee grower" isn't exactly what Wilton thought he wanted to be when he grew up. He spent his collegiate years studying engineering and subsequently spent many years working as a trained chemical engineer before making the (huge) career leap over to coffee.
Wilton eventually opted to redirect his scientific expertise toward his lifelong passion for cultivating coffee, and nowadays he's the owner of an innovative coffee company in the Cauca region of Colombia called Granja Paraíso 92. Both the company and Wilton himself are renowned for growing unique coffee varietals and for pioneering new methods of coffee processing in the region. The farm has pioneered advanced and innovative systems which were previously unknown in Cauca and also features its very own processing plant, microbiology lab, and quality control lab.
Chemical-engineer-turned-coffee-pioneer may not have been a part of young Wilton's plan all those years ago, but processing triumphs like this one are a delicious testament to his success in the endeavor.
TRUST THE PROCESS | After being handpicked at peak ripeness, the coffee cherries are sorted for quality by both size and density. They then undergo two rounds of sterilization, first with ozonated water, and second with ultraviolet light. The coffee cherries then undergo two rounds of fermentation: first, for 52 hours of anaerobic fermentation in cherry at a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, during which time yeast is added to the mixture. While this initial round of fermentation is underway, the mucilage is recovered so that it can be added back to the fermentation environment in the next round. The cherries are then pulped before heading into round two: anaerobic fermentation in mucilage for 48 hours, at a slightly warmer temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. After this, they are washed using a thermal shock method: first, with water at 40 degrees Celsius, and second, with water at a chilly 12 degrees Celsius. Finally (finally!), the cherries are dried for 36 hours at a variable temperature (40 degrees Celsius for the first 12 hours, and 35 degrees Celsius for the following twenty-four.

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